Tunji Beier is Australia’s virtuosic hand percussionist, playing a huge array of instruments from many cultures at the highest level. Tunji was born in Papua New Guinea, then grew up in Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Germany and Australia, travelling with his father , the esteemed Anthropologist Ulli Beier. In his early years, growing up in Nigeria, he was enthralled by the strong Yoruba drumming tradition, which still informs his practice.
Tunji formally started drum kit lessons at the age of 8. He had the opportunity to learn from various Yoruba drumming masters, gaining a rare level of knowledge for a visitor. Tunji also studied Classical Western and South Indian percussion in Bayreuth, Germany, from the ages of 11-14. At the age of 15 Tunji went to Bangalore, India and spent 4 years studying intensely at the Karnataka College Of Precision with Guru T.A.S. Mani. Tunji finished his Classical South Indian percussion completing the Vidvat state exam with highest honours of the year. Tunji then spent 10 years in Germany where he had the opportunity to tour, create ensembles, was artistic director of the Bayreuth Border Crossings Festival, and toured extensively throughout Europe. Since returning to Australia in 2002, Tunji has made a career as a first choice percussionist in fusion, jazz, world and contemporary classical musical forms. |